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Almost the end of the journey


As I sit in my hotel tonight, I am reflecting on the previous two days and spending time with partners from Santa Monica PD. I am closing in on finishing this journey. As I have stated from the beginning, God is leading this journey and I am following. What a journey it has been. I find it so fitting that Chris Dawson called and arranged for me to meet him and spend my last days of the journey with them.

I went with my partners to go see the USS Wisconsin in Norfolk. Unfortunately, the ship and museum were closed. These guys are so awesome that they wanted to drive me to Virginia Beach and they could be there for the end of the trip. That would have been fun. However, I parted ways and walked toward Virginia Beach.

I am one day away from arriving in Virginia Beach. I can’t believe it is almost over. I am sitting on a couch going through a variety of emotions. I am elated, sad, tired, never felt healthier in my life, looking forward to the future and trepidation about what is to come.

It seems so long ago that I started this journey. There have been so many people that have touched my life through this journey. I have grown in so many ways and look forward to implementing those in my life.

There are so many people that have been helpful to me on this journey. The people that have made comments and words of encouragement, called me everyday (Ira Rutan), sent me care packages, visited me, provided money, water, meals, food and lodging I can’t thank you enough. The people that I met that have touched me with their kindness have been etched into my heart. All of you are in my prayers everyday.

I look forward to sitting on the beach tomorrow and reflecting about this journey.

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I have recently retired after 30 years in law enforcement and a few years in the private sector. I have always enjoyed walking form place to place.  One of my favorite assignments was working overtime in our tourist area.  It was a blast to walk around for about 7 hours throughout the Downtown area.


In 2016, I read a book, "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.  In November of 2016, I decided to do my "walkabout" with God from Santa Cruz to Los Angeles.  I had a blast walking along the Pacific Coast.  It was a beautiful experience.  I learned so many things on this walk.  The main lesson was God was talking to me, I just was not listening.  He was there with me on my walk, I just was not realizing the signs.


I have always been intrigued about walking the PCT, AFT, the Continental Divide and Appalachian Trial.  The one trip that stuck out with me was walking across the United States.

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