I made it to Winston-Salem today. A beautiful 24 mile walk. I did not walk yesterday as there was a huge storm and it rained most of the day.
The route took me into some nice backroads. Although there was no shoulder, there was not very much traffic.
As I was walking, Steve and Celia pulled up next to me and were asking for directions to a road that I happened to be going to. The road had a little cafe I wanted to stop at for lunch. They were looking for the same place. I showed them on the map how to get there. It was 2.5 miles away. When I arrived, Steve and Celia were still there. On their way out, Steve stopped by and put money on my table and wished me well on my travels. We talked for awhile about North Carolina and all the beauty it has to offer. They were very nice people and actually the first blessing I received while in NC.
Along the walk I saw a small family plot that was adjacent to the road. It was the Clingman family plot that had several headstones from the 1800’s.
Walking these backroads makes me realize that living in a small community is very appealing.