Today was a day of relaxation. St. Matthew’s United Methodists Church was next to my hotel. I walked into the church and sat in the back row. I kid you not, at least 15 people walked up to me and said they were glad that I joined them today. People were so friendly. During the service, they asked if there were any visitors. I just kinda stood there. The person asking said, “you in the back”. I stood up and identified myself and said I was walking across the US and taking the day off to be with the Lord. I got an applause and several people came up to me to bless me and pray for my walk. One gentleman came over, put his hand on my shoulder and prayed for my health and feet.
It was the most welcoming church I have been to. At the end of the services, many new people came up to bless me on my journey.
I met up with an old partner from Santa Monica PD, Terry McClintick, tonight. Terry took me out to dinner with several of his Air Force partners. We went to the Big Texan for dinner. It was great seeing Terry and his friends.
I have had a great several days in Amarillo. Tomorrow I hit the road again heading toward Tulsa, OK.