I crossed over into Arkansas. I am in the town of Siloam Springs. I had a great day today. Mark, the retired sergeant I met last night at church invited me out to breakfast.
We went to the East Side Cafe. I had a great time talking with Mark about God, family and police work. I gave Mark a challenge coin and he said he had one of his father’s challenge marbles at his house. I was in no hurry and enjoying myself. Mark had an appointment back in Claremore. I asked about going with him so I could visit the Will Rogers Museum. We put the cart in the back of his truck and took off.
My sister-in-law asked if I had visited the museum. Since I hadn’t this gave me the opportunity to do so. What a beautiful museum. I was able to see everything. The grounds were spectacular. Sherrell who worked the entrance was very helpful and introduced me to people as the retired cop walking across the country. She was awesome.
Mark took me out to his house and gave me the marble. The band around the marble says, “Do unto others as you would want them to do to you”. Fantastic gift.
It was such a relaxing day. This journey is solidifying what I believe I want to do in the future. After visiting with Mark at his residence, I realize I want to live on a large body of water, preferably a nice lake.
Mark showed me around the area and we had supper at the Country Cottage restaurant in Locust Grove. It was an all you can eat buffet with good old country cooking. The food, especially the fried chicken was great. Oklahoma is really growing on me.
Since it was thundering and lightning, Mark dropped me off at my hotel. I am currently in the room and it is pouring rain outside and a lot of thunder and lightning. It is fantastic.