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The journey He is taking me on.


This journey that He is taking is amazing. I was sitting in the hotel room contemplating how I am going to tackle this next section and nursing the mosquito bites. From where I was, it is 53 miles to the next hotel. I was going to have to make it to the ferry by 6:30 p.m. to get over to Hickman and sleep near the fire station. This would get me halfway to the hotel. My concern is with the humidity, I am drenched by the end of the day. I have a sweat rash on my calf and I want to take a shower to keep it clean.

As I was praying for some guidance and thinking about this plan, I received a text from Kevin asking if I wanted a ride to Hickman. Are you kidding me. The plan was to walk 10 miles to New Madrid and meet Kevin. From there, we would go to The ferry. I would then walk 15 miles to Union City.

Ask and you will receive.

Matthew 7:7

So that is what happened. I was to meet Kevin in New Madrid. The walk was nice. I was on a nice gravel road for about five miles. We met and drove to Hickman and I caught the ferry. In addition to this bonus, Kevin bought lunch. I am blessed.

On the ferry, I met Zach who gave me better directions to Union City. If I would have followed the directions from Google, I would have ended up going a steep hill.

As I left Missouri and entered Kentucky, the walk was dangerous. There was no shoulder and I had more vehicles almost hit me. I actually had more near misses in Kentucky then I have had my whole trip.

After a couple hours, I made it to Tennessee. Three States in one day. The walk in Tennessee was great. Wider shoulders and courteous drivers.

I made it to the hotel in Union City. It is nice as there was a jacuzzi. I was able to soak my feet and legs. Tomorrow off to Martin, TN.

What a day. What a journey.

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I have recently retired after 30 years in law enforcement and a few years in the private sector. I have always enjoyed walking form place to place.  One of my favorite assignments was working overtime in our tourist area.  It was a blast to walk around for about 7 hours throughout the Downtown area.

In 2016, I read a book, "Wild at Heart" by John Eldredge.  In November of 2016, I decided to do my "walkabout" with God from Santa Cruz to Los Angeles.  I had a blast walking along the Pacific Coast.  It was a beautiful experience.  I learned so many things on this walk.  The main lesson was God was talking to me, I just was not listening.  He was there with me on my walk, I just was not realizing the signs.

I have always been intrigued about walking the PCT, AFT, the Continental Divide and Appalachian Trial.  The one trip that stuck out with me was walking across the United States.

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