I had a tremendous day today. I started this morning by having a shave and haircut by the famous Angel Delgadillo. Angel is 92 and still an active barber. I was his first customer of the day as I was at his shop before it opened. The man has a great story that is worth a google search. By the time my cut was done there were people waiting.
I went to the laundromat, washed clothes and finished a great book by Paulo Coelho.
A blast from the past came into visit me, Deb Toti. She came bearing gifts and took me to brunch at Lilo’s. We walked the town of Seligman and had some ice cream at the Snow Cap. Deb has reached out several times to check on me and sent a message she was coming to visit. What a gift.
I went to the post office and had deliveries from Ira Rutan, Maury Sumlin and Santa Monica Police Chief Renaud. Ira sent me patches and black licorice. Maury and the chief sent me a lot of challenge coins. This will be items to give to individuals along my travels. Thank you for these generous tokens.
I am leaving in the morning and heading toward Ash Fork. I am hoping to have an encounter with another retired SMPD tomorrow. I will let you know.